7 cosponsors
The convention, agreed to (2/2007) in Norway by 111 countries (the U.S. did not participate), requires signatories to stop producing and using cluster munitions and to eliminate their stockpiles in 8 years. Declaring that the U.S. maintains 5.5 m. cluster bombs containing 728.5 m. submunitions with a 5–15% dud rate, the resolution recognizes U.S. law (public law 110-161) stating that cluster munitions can have no more than a 1% dud rate. The convention was to be signed 12/2008. Congressional action calling for the regulation of cluster munitions began after the war between Hizballah and Israel in 2006 during which the Israeli army fired cluster munitions containing 4 m. submunitions into southern Lebanon.
See also: companion measure S. J. Res. 37 of 6/3/08; and related measures S. 594 of 2/14/07, H. R. 1755 of 3/29/07, and H. R. 2764 of 6/18/07.