No cosponsors.
This omnibus bill provides funding for most government agencies for FY2010. Except funding for one program under Military Construction, all other funding levels and provisions are from the Department of State and Foreign Operations section of the bill.
For Israel, aid is appropriated to the following accounts:
Military Construction: The bill provides $68.5 m. for construction of a facility to pursue the development of a land-based version of the existing ship-launched Standard Missile-3 (SM-3) ballistic missile defense system. The land-based SM-3 is being developed specifically both for use by the U.S. military and as a back-up system for Israel should development of the system specifically for Israel, the Arrow-3, fail. See H.R. 2647 of 6/2/09, S. 1390 of 7/2/09, and H.R. 3326 of 7/24/09 for further details on the SM-3 and funding for U.S.-Israeli missile defense systems.
Migration and Refugee Assistance (MRA): Provides $25 m. to the United Israel Appeal, which in turn helps finance programs of the Jewish Agency for Israel that aim to integrate Jewish migrants into Israeli society by funding their transportation to Israel, Hebrew language instruction, and vocational training.
Foreign Military Financing (FMF) Program: Provides $2.22 b. for Israel to purchase U.S.-produced weapons, defense equipment, defense services, and military training with the option of using $583.86 m. of these funds to purchase Israeli weapons and military equipment. The funds are to be disbursed by 15 January 2010 into an interest bearing account with the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank.
In addition, the bill adds $500,000 to the president’s request for International Military Education Training assistance to Egypt to fund a combined military training program for Egyptian and Israeli students.
U.S. funding for the IAEA is available unless the secy. of state determines that Israel is being denied its right to participate in the Agency’s activities. Previously, U.S. funding for the IAEA was withheld until the secy. of state reported that Israel was not being denied participation.
For the West Bank and Gaza:
Nonproliferation, Anti-Terrorism, Demining and Related (NADR) Programs: Provides $2.5 m. for PA security forces. The State Dept. requested $2 m. of this for anti-terrorism training and $500,000 to assist in detecting and dismantling terrorist financial networks.
Economic Support Funds (ESF): The bill fully funds the State Dept. request for $400.4 m. for the West Bank and Gaza. No more than $150 m. of this can be transferred directly to the PA treasury, and up to $2 m. can be used for USAID administrative expenses. The remaining funds are for USAID programs in the West Bank and Gaza that are carried out by NGOs operating there. According to the State Dept. request, $59 m. is for efforts aimed at improving health care, including building and renovating health care facilities as requested by the PA; $25 m. is for improving water and sewer infrastructure and other social services; and $9.5 m. is for education programs designed to support the PA’s Education Development Strategic Plan by applying aspects of the U.S. private school pilot program in the West Bank and Gaza to the public school system there.
$95 m. is for various types of economic assistance, including $50 m. for infrastructure projects (especially transportation improvement), $2 m. in microloans and microfinancing, $9 m. to assist in exports of agricultural products, and unspecified amounts to improve the flow of Palestinian exports at border crossings (namely by improving Palestinian security inspection and cargo consolidation on the Palestinian side of the border), improving the availability of investment capital, and eliminating PA regulatory constraints.
$38 m. is for governance programs, including $13 m. to train members of the Palestinian judiciary; $9 m. to improve civil society participation in the justice sector; and undesignated amounts f