14 cosponsors
Further expresses the sense of the Senate that Israel has an inherent and undeniable right to defend itself against any threat; to condemn any future attempts to break the blockade of Gaza; to condemn Hamas for not recognizing Israel’s right to exist, committing abuses in Gaza, and rejecting the peace process; to condemn Iran for supporting Hamas; and to encourage Turkey to recognize the importance of continued strong relations with Israel and closely scrutinize organizations with potential ties to terrorist groups.
See also: similar measure H. Res. 1440 of 6/14/10; related measures H. Res. 1241 of 4/13/10, H.R. 5351 of 5/20/10, S. Res. 548 of 6/9/10, H.R. 5501 6/10/10, H. Res. 1440 of 6/14/10, H. Res. 15322 of 7/15/10, H. Res. 1553 of 7/22/10, H. Res. 1599 of 7/30/10, and H. Con. Res. 315 of 9/14/10.
Passed in Senate by voice vote.