The resolution would call on the president to respect the sovereignty of Cyprus and the agreement between Israel and Turkey over the demarcation of their Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ). It also urges the administration to call on Turkey to ‘end its illegal colonization of Cyprus.’
This resolution is relevant because it notes that Turkey’s motivation for moving settlers to n. Cyprus is probably to build a case for the expansion of Turkey’s EEZ in the Eastern Mediterranean. Shortly before this resolution’s introduction, Turkey and Israel had signed an agreement to respect each other’s EEZs. The specific boundaries of their EEZs are important because of the recent discoveries of major natural gas deposits in the area and the fact that the U.S. was developing hydrocarbon deposits in the offshore EEZs of Cyprus and Israel.
20 cosponsors (14D, 6R)
See also: similar measure S. Con. Res. 47 of 6/6/12.
Last major action: 6/5/12 referred to House cmte.