April 8, 2014
April 30, 2014
Cloture on the measure not invoked
While unrelated to Israel, the Palestinians, or the wider Arab-Israeli conflict, this bill to increase the federal minimum wage had a relevant amendment attached to it during the Senate floor consideration.
S.A. 2972, submitted by Ted Cruz (R-TX) on 4/29/14, no cosponsors.
The amendment would strike the entire contents of the bill and replace it with the ‘American Energy Renaissance Act of 2014,’ including approval for the highly controversial Keystone XL pipeline linking Canadian oil fields to U.S. refineries, and a provision stipulating that the maintenance of sanctions against Syria and Iran.. The amendment was tabled and not considered.
39 cosponsors (38D, 1R).
Last major action: 4/30/14 Senate floor actions.