22 cosponsors
One relevant amendment was submitted to this bill:
S. Amdt 724 to S. 1619, Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ), introduced on 10/5/11, no cosponsors
Would require the secy. of commerce to deny the export of civilian items, potentially of use to produce weapons of mass destruction, to Congress unless she certifies that China will not export the items to Iran, Syria, or North Korea. This amendment was not considered by the Senate.
More on:
Sanctions on Iran’s financial sector: H.R. 740 of 2/16/11, S. 366 of 2/16/11, H.R. 1540 of 4/14/11, H.R. 1905 of 5/13/11, S. 1048 of 5/23/11, S. Amdt. 1414 to S. 1867 of 11/15/11, H.R. 3439, H.R. 3508 11/22/11
Further Iran sanctions: H.R. 1655 of 4/15/11, H.R. 2105 of 6/3/11, S. 1496 of 8/2/11, and H.R. 2998 of 9/21/11