Congratulating the State of Israel on chairing a United Nations committee for the first time in history

August 4, 2007
October 15, 2007
Passed in House

29 cosponsors.

“Congratulates Mr. Ron Adam, Israel's Chair of the United Nations Committee on Program and Coordination, and the Government and people of the State of Israel” for this accomplishment, “supports continued expansion of Israel's role at the UN, welcomes recent attempts by the U.N. to address the issue of prevailing anti-Semitism, calls on the UN to officially and publicly condemn anti-Semitic statements made at all UN meetings and hold accountable UN Member States that make such statements, urges the members of Western European and Others Group to extend full and permanent membership to Israel, without conditions . . .”, and “calls upon UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon to work to end any unfair vilification of Israel at the United Nations. Also mentions that Israel has applied for membership to the UN Security Council for 2019 and states that Adam’s chairmanship “will hopefully encourage the normalization of Israel's bilateral and multilateral relations and challenge future disproportionate United Nations condemnation of Israel.”

Passed in House by voice vote 10/15/07.

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