4 cosponsors.
Seeks to impose sanctions against Saudi Arabia to stop Saudi support for terrorist organizations. Among the findings of Congress in this bill: that, according to the New York Times, at least 50 percent of the current operating budget of Hamas comes from “people in Saudi Arabia”; that the royal family of Saudi Arabia has been the main financial supporter of Palestinian groups fighting Israel; that, according to the Middle Ease Media Research Institute, Saudi-sponsored organizations have given over $4 b. to finance the Palestinian intifada; and that a Saudi Arabian government tourism website stated that Jews, Israeli passport holders, or those with an Israeli arrival/departure stamp will not be granted visas to enter the country.
See also: related measures S. 837 of 4/20/09, H. R. 1980 on 4/21/09, H.R. 2375 of 5/12/09, S. 1416 of 7/8/09, and H. Res. 872 of 10/27/09.