Expressing solidarity with Israel in its fight against ‘terrorism’

April 18, 2002
May 2, 2002
Passed in House

112 cosponsors.

The resolution states that the House:
(1) stands in solidarity with Israel as it takes necessary steps to provide security to its people by dismantling the terrorist infrastructure in the Palestinian areas;
(2) remains committed to Israel's right to self-defense and supports additional United States assistance to help Israel defend itself;
(3) condemns the recent wave of Palestinian suicide bombings;
(4) condemns the ongoing support of terror by Yasir Arafat and other members of the Palestinian leadership;
(5) demands that the Palestinian Authority at last fulfill its commitment to dismantle the terrorist infrastructure in the Palestinian areas, including any such infrastructure associated with PLO and Palestinian Authority entities tied directly to Yasir Arafat;
(6) is gravely concerned that Arafat's actions are not those of a viable partner for peace;
(7) urges all Arab states to declare their unqualified opposition to all forms of terrorism, including suicide bombing;
(8) commends the President for his leadership in addressing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, particularly the efforts of the Administration to engage countries throughout the region to condemn and prevent terrorism and to prevent a widening of the conflict;
(9) urges all parties in the region to pursue vigorously efforts to establish a just, lasting, and comprehensive peace in the Middle East; and
(10) encourages the international community to take action to alleviate the humanitarian needs of the Palestinian people.

See also: companion measure S. res. 247 on 4/22/02 and similar measure H. Res. 405 on 5/1/02.

Passed in House 351-21-29.


Gary Ackerman(D-)Robert Aderholt(R-AL)Dick Armey(R-TX)Joe Baca(D-CA)Spencer Bachus(R-AL)Richard Baker(R-LA)Joe Barton(R-TX)Charles Bass(R-NH)Ken Bentsen(D-TX)Shelly Berkley(D-NV)Howard Berman(D-CA)Rod Blagojevich(D-IL)Roy Blunt(R-MO)Ed Bryant(R-TN)Richard Burr(R-NC)Eric Cantor(R-VA)Ben Cardin(D-MD)Brad Carson(D-OK)Bob Clement(D-TN)Howard Coble(R-NC)Mac Collins(R-GA)John Cooksey(R-LA)Jerry Costello(D-IL)Phil Crane(R -IL)Joseph Crowley(D-)John Culberson(R-TX)Susan Davis(D-CA)Peter Deutsch(D-FL)Lincoln Diaz-Balart(R-FL)John Doolittle(R-CA)Chet Edwards(D-TX)Bob Ehrlich(R-MD)Eliot Engel(D-)Phil English(R-PA)Mike Ferguson(R-NJ)Jeff Flake(R-AZ)Ernie Fletcher(R-KY)Mark Foley(R-FL)Vito Fossella(R-)Martin Frost(D-TX)Richard Gephardt(D-MO)Jim Gibbons(R-NV)Benjamin Gilman(R-)Bart Gordon(D-TN)Sam Graves(R -MO)Gene Green(D-TX)Felix Grucci(R-)Luis Gutierrez(D-IL)Alcee Hastings(D-FL)J D Hayworth(R-AZ)Joseph Hoeffel(D-PA)Tim Holden(D-PA)Steve Horn(R-CA)Steve Israel(D-)Sheila Jackson-Lee(D-TX)William Jefferson(D-LA)Timothy Johnson(R-IL)Sue Kelly(R-)Mark Kennedy(R-MN)Patrick Kennedy(D-RI)Jack Kingston(R-GA)Mark Kirk(R-IL)Tom Lantos(D-CA)Rick Larsen(D-WA)John Linder(R-GA)Frank Lobiondo(R-NJ)Nita Lowey(D-)Ken Lucas(D-KY)Carolyn Maloney(D-)Edward Markey(D-MA)Robert Matsui(D-CA)Carolyn McCarthy(D-)Betty McCollum(D-MN)Scott McInnis(R-CO)Mike McIntyre(D-NC)Michael McNulty(D-)Gary Miller(R-CA)Jerrold Nadler(D-NY)Doug Ose(R-CA)C L Otter(R-ID)Bill Pascrell Jr(D-NJ)Mike Pence(R-IN)Todd Platts(R-PA)Jim Ramstad(R -MN)Tom Reynolds(R-)Ileana Ros-Lehtinen(R-FL)Steve Rothman(D-NJ)Jim Saxton(R-NJ)Jan Schakowsky(D-IL)Adam Schiff(D-CA)Ed Schrock(R-VA)John Shadegg(R-AZ)Clay Shaw Jr(R-FL)Christopher Shays(R-CT)Brad Sherman(D-CA)John Shimkus(R-IL)Ike Skelton(D-MO)Mark Souder(R-IN)Bart Stupak(D-MI)John Sweeney(R-)Tom Tancredo(R-CO)Lee Terry(R-NE)Todd Tiahrt(R-KS)Patrick Tiberi(R-OH)Fred Upton(R-MI)David Vitter(R-LA)Zach Wamp(R-TN)J C Jr Watts(R-OK)Henry Waxman(D-CA)Anthony Weiner(D-)Dave Weldon(R-FL)Robert Wexler(D-FL)

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