Honoring Hadassah Legislation Number: H.CON.RES.355 Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2002sponsor: Mike Ferguson
Observing Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Memorial Day, and calling on the remaining member countries of the International Commission of the International Tracing Service to ratify the May 2006 amendments to the 1955 Bonn Accords immediately to allow... Legislation Number: S.RES.142 Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2007sponsor: Joe Biden
Open Bad Arolsen archives in Germany Legislation Number: S.RES.141 Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2007sponsor: Hillary Clinton
Designating March 25, 2007, as `Greek Independence Day: A National Day of Celebration of Greek and American Democracy' Legislation Number: S.RES.95 Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2007sponsor: Arlen Specter
Simon Wiesenthal Holocaust Education Assistance Act Legislation Number: S.963 Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2007sponsor: Robert Menendez
Cluster Munitions Civilian Protection Act of 2007 Legislation Number: S.594 Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2007sponsor: Dianne Feinstein
Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the President should award the Presidential Medal of Freedom posthumously to Rick Husband, William McCool, Michael Anderson, Kalpana Chawla, David Brown, Laurel Clark, and Ilan Ramon, all... Legislation Number: H.RES.49 Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2003sponsor: Gene Green
To authorize the President to posthumously award a gold medal on behalf of the Congress to the seven members of the crew of the space shuttle Columbia in recognition of their outstanding and enduring contributions to the Nation Legislation Number: H.R.525 Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2003sponsor: Sheila Jackson-Lee
Condemning Hezbollah and Hamas and their state sponsors and supporting Israel's exercise of its right to self-defense Legislation Number: S.RES.534 Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2006sponsor: Bill Frist
To ensure the implementation of the recommendations of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States Legislation Number: S.3456 Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2006sponsor: Robert Menendez