Expressing the sense of Congress on the nuclear program of Iran Legislation Number: S.CON.RES.19 Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2007sponsor: Lindsey Graham
Saudi Arabia Accountability Act of 2007 Legislation Number: S.2243 Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2007sponsor: Arlen Specter
Expressing the sense of Congress in support of the ongoing work of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in combating anti-Semitism, racism, xenophobia, discrimination, intolerance, and related violence Legislation Number: S.CON.RES.110 Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2004sponsor: Ben Nighthorse Campbell
Global Anti-Semitism Review Act of 2004 Legislation Number: S.2292 Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2004sponsor: George Voinovich
Expressing the sense of Congress that the sharp escalation of anti-Semitic violence within many participating States of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) is of profound concern and efforts should be undertaken to... Legislation Number: S.CON.RES.7 Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2003sponsor: Ben Nighthorse Campbell
Koby Mandell Act of 2003 Legislation Number: S.684 Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2003sponsor: Gordon Smith
Expressing the sense of Congress that no United States assistance should be provided directly to the Palestinian Authority if any representative political party holding a majority of parliamentary seats within the Palestinian Authority maintains... Legislation Number: S.CON.RES.79 Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2006sponsor: John Thune
Condemning Hezbollah and Hamas and their state sponsors and supporting Israel's exercise of its right to self-defense Legislation Number: S.RES.534 Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2006sponsor: Bill Frist
Expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the creation of refugee populations in the Middle East, North Africa, and the Persian Gulf region as a result of human rights violations Legislation Number: S.RES.494 Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2006sponsor: Rick Santorum
Commemorating the 39th anniversary of the reunification of the city of Jerusalem Legislation Number: S.CON.RES.98 Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2006sponsor: Sam Brownback