Combating BDS Act of 2016 Legislation Number: H.R.5414 Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2016sponsor: Robert Dold
Expressing the sense of Congress that the atrocities perpetrated by ISIL against religious and ethnic minorities in Iraq and Syria include war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2015sponsor: Jeffrey Lane Fortenberry
Justice for Victims of Iranian Terrorism Act Legislation Number: H.R.3547 Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2015sponsor: Patrick Meehan
Justice for Former American Hostages in Iran Act of 2015 Legislation Number: H.R.3338 Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2015sponsor: Sean Duffy
To express the sense of the House of Representatives regarding the rise of anti-Semitism in Europe and to encourage greater cooperation with the European governments, the EU, and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe in... Legislation Number: H.RES.130 Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2015sponsor: Alcee Hastings
To adapt to changing crude oil market conditions Legislation Number: H.R.702 Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2015sponsor: Joe Barton
Urging the Secretary of State that in 2015, a year of significant anniversaries for the Jewish people, U.S. embassies in appropriate countries should commemorate this anniversary year with significant public events including the message that the... Legislation Number: H.RES.57 Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2015sponsor: Chris Smith
Condemning the murder of Israeli and Palestinian children in Israel and the ongoing and escalating violence in that country. Legislation Number: H.Res.665 Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2014sponsor: David McKinley
The Naftali Fraenkel Rewards for Justice Act Legislation Number: H.R.5041 Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2014sponsor: Douglas Lamborn
Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding United States support for the State of Israel as it defends itself against unprovoked rocket attacks from the Hamas terrorist organization. Legislation Number: H.Res.657 Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2014sponsor: Steve Israel