United States-Israel Energy Cooperation Act

May 26, 2005
July 27, 2006
Referred to Senate (sub)committee

100 cosponsors.

Directs the secy. of energy, in consultation with the U.S.-Israel Binational Industrial Research and Development Foundation or the U.S. Binational Science Foundation, to establish a grant program for joint ventures, composed of both Israeli and U.S. private business entities or of U.S. and Israeli academics, to implement projects to encourage cooperation between the U.S. and Israel on research, development, or commercialization of alternative energy, improved energy efficiency, or renewable energy sources. It also establishes within the Dept. of Energy an International Energy Advisory Board to advise the secretary on the grant program and grant recipients and appropriates $20 m. each year from 2006 to 2012.

Related measures: S. 1862 on 10/7/05; H. R. 5679 on 6/26/06.

Passed in House by voice vote 7/26/06.


Robert Andrews(D-NJ)John Barrow(D-GA)Shelly Berkley(D-NV)Howard Berman(D-CA)Sanford Jr Bishop(D-GA)Timothy Bishop(D-)Earl Blumenauer(D-OR)Mary Bono(R-CA)Leonard Boswell(D-IA)Allen Boyd(D-FL)Corrine Brown(D-FL)Henry Brown(R-SC)Sherrod Brown(D-OH)Dan Burton(R-IN)Ken Calvert(R-CA)Chris Cannon(R-UT)Ben Cardin(D-MD)Dennis Cardoza(D-CA)Ed Case(D-HI)Ben Chandler(D-KY)Ander Crenshaw(R-FL)Joseph Crowley(D-)Artur Davis(D-AL)Geoff Davis(R-KY)Susan Davis(D-CA)Rosa Delauro(D-CT)Charlie Dent(R-PA)Mike Doyle(D-PA)Rahm Emanuel(D-IL)Eliot Engel(D-)Mike Ferguson(R-NJ)Bob Filner(D-CA)Vito Fossella(R-)Trent Franks(R-AZ)Jim Gerlach(R-PA)Charlie Gonzalez(D-TX)Bart Gordon(D-TN)Gene Green(D-TX)Raul Grijalva(D-AZ)Jane Harman(D-CA)Alcee Hastings(D-FL)Stephanie Herseth Sandlin(D-SD)Brian Higgins(D-)Rush Holt(D-NJ)Mike Honda(D-CA)Jay Inslee(D-WA)Steve Israel(D-)Sue Kelly(R-)Patrick Kennedy(D-RI)Pete King(R-)Mark Kirk(R-IL)Jim Langevin(D-RI)John Lewis(D-GA)John Linder(R-GA)Nita Lowey(D-)Carolyn Maloney(D-)Jim Marshall(D-GA)Carolyn McCarthy(D-)Michael McNulty(D-)Kendrick Meek(D-FL)Gregory Meeks(D-)Charles Melancon(D-LA)Mike Michaud(D-ME)Jeff Miller(R-FL)Sue Myrick(R-NC)Jerrold Nadler(D-NY)Anne Northup(R-KY)Charles Norwood(R-GA)Major Owens(D-)Frank Pallone Jr(D-NJ)Ed Pastor(D-AZ)Collin Peterson(D-MN)Jim Ramstad(R -MN)Charles Rangel(D-)Rick Renzi(R-AZ)Mike J. Rogers(R-MI)Ileana Ros-Lehtinen(R-FL)Mike Ross(D-AR)Steve Rothman(D-NJ)John Salazar(D-CO)Linda Sanchez(D-CA)Jim Saxton(R-NJ)Jan Schakowsky(D-IL)Adam Schiff(D-CA)Allyson Schwartz(D-PA)Joe Schwarz(R-MI)Christopher Shays(R-CT)Brad Sherman(D-CA)John Shimkus(R-IL)Ike Skelton(D-MO)Chris Smith(R-NJ)Bart Stupak(D-MI)Ellen Tauscher(D-CA)Edolphus Towns(D-)Debbie Wasserman-Shultz(D-FL)Diane Watson(D-CA)Henry Waxman(D-CA)Robert Wexler(D-FL)Joe Wilson(R-SC)Albert Wynn(D-MD)

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