Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act Legislation Number: S.2370 Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2006sponsor: Mitch McConnell
Honoring the life, legacy, and example of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin on the tenth anniversary of his death Legislation Number: S.RES.310 Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2005sponsor: Frank Lautenberg
Expressing the sense of the Senate regarding manifestations of anti-Semitism by United Nations member states and urging action against anti-Semitism by United Nations officials, United Nations member states, and the Government of the United... Legislation Number: S.RES.240 Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2005sponsor: Rick Santorum
Commending the results of the January 9, 2005, Palestinian Presidential Elections Legislation Number: S.RES.27 Congress:Session: Last Major Action: Leg Year: 2005sponsor: Bill Frist