May 22, 2008
May 22, 2008
Referred to House (sub)committee
280 cosponsors
Cites Iran’s support for Hamas that enabled it to “illegally seize” authority in Gaza, and its support for Hizballah, which wages “war against the Government and people of Lebanon leading to its political domination of that country.” Notes that Iran has “repeatedly called for the destruction of Israel” and supports Shi`a and anti-government figures in Iraq and Afghanistan. Calls on the president to initiate further sanctions against Iran.
This resolution, and sanctions on Iran in general, was among the top legislative priorities of the American-Israeli Public Action Committee (AIPAC) for 2008.
See also: similar measure S. Res. 580 of 6/2/08, related measure S. Con. Res. 19 of 3/14/07.